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Winter Wonders and Farm Life: Staying Cozy and Productive at Bozick Family Farm

Winter Wonders and Farm Life: Staying Cozy and Productive at Bozick Family Farm

As the crisp chill of winter envelops the landscape here in Melbourne, Arkansas, life on the Bozick Family Farm doesn’t slow down; it simply shifts gears. The shorter days and colder nights mean a change in routine and scenery, but the warmth of farm life continues to thrive. Let’s catch up on the latest happenings on our 140-acre home!

A Cozy Shelter for Our Feathered Friends

Our chickens, those bustling bundles of feathers, have begun to feel the winter’s touch. Their egg production has dwindled as they naturally do during the shorter days. But worry not! We’re making sure they’re snug and secure, with extra straw in their coop and a watchful eye for any chilly drafts. This natural cycle allows them to rest and rejuvenate, promising a bounty of eggs when the days grow warm again.

Hay There, Happy Cows!

With the pastures dormant under a frosty cover, our cattle have switched from fresh grass to hearty hay. It’s a picturesque sight: the herd gathered around large, rolled bales, their breath visible in the cold air. Elsie, our beloved dairy cow, is spending quality time with Josh the bull, promising new life when spring returns. Meanwhile, Gertie continues to be a steadfast provider of fresh milk, a daily reminder of the cycles of life and sustenance on the farm.

At Capacity with a Heart Full of Gratitude

Our farm products, especially the raw milk and farm-fresh eggs, have garnered a loving following. We’ve reached capacity with customers, a milestone that fills our hearts with gratitude. It’s a testament to the trust and relationships we’ve built within our community. Each jar of milk and carton of eggs represents not just nourishment, but a shared commitment to quality, health, and the local farm life.

Farewell and New Beginnings

In the natural ebb and flow of farm life, we’ve recently said goodbye to four of our calves. As they journey to new pastures, we’re reminded of the cycle of life that we’re intimately connected to. These farewells are bittersweet, but they make room for new life and opportunities. It’s a rhythm we’ve come to respect and honor deeply.

Embracing the Season

As we bustle about in jackets and boots, carrying out the daily chores and tending to our animals, we’re reminded of the resilience and beauty of farm life. Winter is a time for reflection, planning, and appreciation. It’s when we repair, build, and prepare for the bustling seasons ahead. We’re making the most of these quiet months, enjoying the peaceful landscapes, the crisp air, and the company of each other.

From our family to yours, we invite you to embrace the season’s joys and challenges. Whether it’s savoring a warm cup of Gertie’s milk, tucking in the chickens for the night, or planning for the spring calves, each day brings its own reward. Stay tuned for more tales and tips from Bozick Family Farm, where every season is a chapter in our ongoing story of growth, community, and love for the land.

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Owner and operator of Bozick Family Farm.

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