Each breed can differ, but I can share with you what we see with our Jersey Cows.
Just a little background, we use our Jersey cows for Dairy Cows. We currently have two, Gertie and Harriett. We milk the one that has a calf while the other is pregant, and then alternate between the two.
Harriett is new to our farm. She joined us in September 2021. She was pregnant when we purchased her. The farmer we purchased her from wasn’t exactly sure when she was due, but guessed probably within the month.
Well, that was three months ago 🙂
But in the last week, we are starting to see changes in Harriett that tell us a calf is imminent.
January 16th, 2022
This is a couple of weeks before she started showing any sign she was going to calve soon.

January 28, 2022
Here you can see her udder is quite a big bigger than just two weeks earlier. People refer to this as “bagging up”.

The other clue is her ligaments are starting to loosen up.